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SCHOOL OF SELF-RELIANCE ![]() "OTIS' GENERAL STORE" Remember: "Oink!" means "Hello" in OtisTalk. Here you'll find books, booklets, and DVDs on survival and self-reliance. Plus, we have fire-making tools, herbs, knives, knife-sharpeners, water purifiers and more. LET US KNOW IF YOU HAVE A SPECIFIC NEED! You can call our office at (626) 791-3217, or mobile at (323) 605-7283 Please first check our SPECIALS, and then scroll down to see our other products. Thank you for visiting! Click here to see items Christopher is selling on Ebay SPECIAL OFFERS: Purchase the DVD called "Survival Foods,"where we see Huell Howser interview Christopher and Dolores Nyerges in downtown Los Angeles -- and get a free magnesium fire starter. ALSO, any order over $100 will get a free copy of Shiyo Miller's "The Winds Erase Your Footprints,"the true story of life on the Navajo reservation during the Great Depression. (see description below).
$17 DVD Click Here for a sample of the Useful Plants of the U.S. DVD
SURVIVAL FOOD You and your family will enjoy this for years to come! $17 DVD
$17 DVD Click Here for a sample of the Survival Skills DVD
$17 DVD BOOKS Please let us know if you'd like Christopher Nyerges to autograph his books for you $20
HOW TO SURVIVE ANYWHERE, Second Edition. $20
FORAGING EDIBLE WILD PLANTS OF NORTH AMERICA is Christopher's wild food cookbook, fully illustrated with color photos and recipes for the most common greens that you can find anywhere in North America. In fact, many of these plants are found world-wide."I was really happy with the result, and the way the color photos turned out," says Christopher. The book is 211 pages full of wild recipes, and various ways to use wild foods, their nutritional value, and the ways to process the plants, with full color photos of every plant. [Remember, be sure to let us know if you want your book autographed] $22.95 YES, IT IS POSSIBLE TO ADD NUTRITION TO YOUR MEALS FROM COMMON PLANTS THAT ARE OFTEN SIMPLY PULLED AND DISCARDED! MANY OF THE PLANTS IN THIS BOOK ARE COMMON EUROPEAN "WEEDS" THAT ARE IN FACT EDIBLE AND TASTY AND NUTRITIOUS. $24.95. Newly Revised and Updated Color Edition. Originally published as Guide to Wild Foods in 1978, this is the first book written by Christopher. It has been revised and republished five times before being reincarnated into the present format. $24.95 COLLECTING WILD NUTS AND BERRIES HAS LONG BEEN A POPULAR AMERICAN TRADITION. This is a full-color book, 122 pages in length, covering the most common native nuts and berries of California. Foreword by Dr. James Adams, USC doctor of pharmacology, and author of "Healing with Medicinal Plants."
$18.95 HOW TO LIVE BETTER WITH LESS. ANOTHER WAYS OF SAYING -- IF WE COULD DO THIS ON OUR LOW BUDGET, YOU CAN DO IT TOO! "Homesteading in the City" is the subtitle of this lively and informative book by Christopher and Dolores Lynn Nyerges. This is the story of Christopher and Dolores Nyerges' "urban homesteading" in Los Angeles. Want to learn how to produce more of your food, generate some of your power, or cook with the sun? Do you desire to make your own compost and learn to create a wildlife sanctuary even in the city? Here is book that tells how we went about this, step by step, on a low budget. The "Economics and Self-Reliance" $16.95 $20 URBAN WILDERNESS: A Handbook to Ecological City Living. Note: You can also go to KINDLE to buy this as an e-book $15 WRITING FOR SURVIVAL: A step-by-step guide to getting published without going broke by Christopher Nyerges. This is the textbook that Christopher uses when he teaches writing classes at the local college. It is designed to get you writing and marketing your work. Topics include newspaper writing, magazine writing, book writing, keeping records, cover letters, press releases, marketing tactics, self-publication, and more. 8 ½ x 11 format, 51 pages. Hardcopy $15. Word Copy emailed to you, $3 A KINDLE E-BOOK $2.99 Click Here For more information about this E-Book in Kindle Format and to purchase it. Note: You can purchase a .pdf file of this book which we can then email to to you. Cost is only $3. $2.99 Click Here For more information about this KINDLE Book and to purchase it.
$2.99 Click Here For more information about this Kindle Book and how to purchase it.
$2.99 Click Here For more information about this KINDLE Book and how to purchase it. Note: A percentage of the proceeds from the above book goes to Dolores' favorite charity. $2.99 Click Here For more information about this Kindle Book and how to purchase it.
BOOKS BY PAUL CAMPBELL A PAUL CAMPBELL BOOK EARTH PIGMENTS AND PAINTS This is Paul Campbell's second book, a hard-cover book in full color where he shares his quest for the elusive red ochre, descriptions of how pigments were mixed with other substances so they lasted for cenuries, and so much more. Though there is much "how-to" in this book, the variety of rock art depicted is clearly worth the price of the book. There are also old California Indian photos showing body art, as well as face art, bow and arrow art, etc. Every museum and school should have a copy. A truly remarkable book! Retail is $30, but we sell for $25. Paul Campbell's book is a dream-come-true for anyone interested in the specific skills used day in and out by California’s pre-mission people. Included is how to make sandals, rope, nets, arrows, bows, hunting skills, plant information, soap plants, and more. Campbell takes you through it all step by step, with lots of photos. $40.00
This is the latest by Paul Campbell, released September of 2013, a year before he died.
'The Universal Tool Kit' refers to taking a rock and turning it into a tool. Some of you may think this is not a very interesting subject, but believe me, it's an incredible insightful look at how ancient man survived. This is not the theoretical charts and arrows and categorization you might get in an anthropology class. Campbell brings it alive, and makes it relevant.
Introductory special: $22     by Tom Elpel. This is the best treatment of botany and taxonomy that we have seen. THIS IS THE WAY BOTANY SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN THE SCHOOLS. Learn how to recognize the major plant families, and how to understand some of the basic chemistry of plants. 8 ½ x 11 format, 196 pages. $30 “If you can’t beat ‘em, eat ‘em!” Peter Gail of Cleveland has written the book that contains everything you’d ever want to know about the common dandelion. His celebration of the dandelion is 151 pages that might surprise you if you’re one of the many gardeners who despise dandelions because they grow in lawns. But it turns out that dandelions are not trash -- they are treasures. Gail begins by telling us some of dandelions’ long history of food and medicine, showing us that dandelions have more nutritional content with other common wild and cultivated foods. We learn that dandelion is the richest source of Vitamin A and magnesium, in his study, as well as a rich source of most of the tested minerals. It is richer in beta-carotene than carrots. Despite these incredible health benefits, more people don’t eat dandelion because it’s bitter. So Gail gives us recipes for turning this bitter weed into a tasty dish. He tells us how to use the roots, leaves, flowers, and hearts. There are recipes for some very unlikely dandelion dishes, like dandelion ice cream, and also the standards, such as dandelion wine and coffee. Spiral bound for easy-use. $13.95 by Cecilia Garcia and Dr. James Adams. $17.95 This book, written by Shiyo Miller (mother of Dolores Lynn Nyerges), is the true story of a young newly-married couple (one White, one Navajo) who move back to the Navajo reservation. You really feel the daily challenges of what it normally takes to live on the reservation, not to mention that this was during the Depression when work and money were scarce. There is a subtle backdrop of Navajo witchcraft, as well as the colorful scenery of the Southwest. Shiyo started writing this book in the 1940s. Shiyo died in 1983, and due to her daughter's (Dolores) dilligence, the book finally got published in 2002. $17. BOOKLETS by NYERGES ANIMALS AS ORACULAR MESSENGERS, transcript of a Halloween night lecture by Christopher Nyerges. Includes symbolic interpretations of animals in daily life. $7. WHOSE CHILD IS THIS?, is a transcript of a Christmas lecture given to Philosophical Research Society by Christopher Nyerges. An exploration of the many symbols of Christmas (and Hannukah), and their practical meanings. A real eye-opener, especially if you never considered the origin of the diverse symbols we now associate with Christmas. $7 GUIDE FOR SURVIVAL IN CATASTROPHES. Transcript of a lecture presented by Christopher Nyerges and John Watkins to a Mensa meeting in February 1986. What would it REALLY be like if modern society collapsed? What would you ACTUALLY do to live in strength after such an event? 8 ½ x 11 format, 17 pages. $7 SURVIVING DROUGHT, ECONOMIC CALAMITY, AND OTHER WOES VIA THINKING. Transcript of a six-hour workshop by Christopher and Dolores Lynn Nyerges, given at Philosophical Research Society. See how we create all our problems. Learn the tools necessary to analyze what you can do better in your own personal life. 8 ½ x 11 format, 17 pages. WHY EAT WILD FOODS? by Dolores Lynn Nyerges
Dolores originally wrote this as a chapter for the Guide to Wilds Foods book. She expanded it into this booklet, which also became the basis for many lectures. She discusses many of the problems with modern agriculture, such as hybridization, unnatural fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, waxes, irradiation, and moral and spiritual considerations of using wild foods. We'd all be better off by learning about, and using, wild foods, as well as growing some of our own food, and supporting organic farmers, where possible. Other Booklets SOLAR COOKING. Plans are provided for making two different types of solar cooker from inexpensive materials. After a few hours on a weekend, you can take scrap materials and make a simple device for cooking from the sun. $7.50. POOR MARSHALL'S MANUAL: The Individual Economics of Living on $99 per Month Written in his own hand, Marshall Greenwood tells how he live (circa 1979) on $99 a month. Reads like a modern version of Ben Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac. Full of practical tips and information. 51 pages, spiral bound. $12. WHAT CAUSES GAS? by Dolores Miller Nyerges This has been one of our most popular booklets over the years. We recommend it to anyone who has problems with indigestion or gas. Includes some unusual information, including When you are eating, How you are eating, Where you are eating, and more. 20 pages. $5. PATTERNS $15 $15 ___________________________________________________________________ KNIVES AND TOOLS EMERGENCY LOCK-SMITHING $7 What do you do when you've lost or misplaced your keys? There are several ways to open a lock, and one way is with the rake (or pick) and tension bar. Yes, you would benefit by taking a lock-smithing course, and many simple lessons can be found on YouTube. We sell you a rake and tension bar, but you'll have to learn how to use them on your own. $7 EZE-LAP DIAMOND KNIFE SHARPENER A good knife sharpener is a MUST. This one is compact, and fits into a leather case. We've used this for several decades now, and find that it is an excellent sharpener, easy to carry at all times, with no oil required. $22 This is an awesome one-piece knife capable of incredible punishment, such as splitting logs (for making bows, or hearths for fire-making, etc.). The hollow handle allows you to attach a handle. High carbon steel. Includes a sheath. The blade is 7 inches; the knife is 12 1/4 inches overall. $34
____________________________________________________________ FIRE-MAKING This is THE fire-starting tool that everyone should carry, all the time. It is a block of magnesium from which you scrape shavings. Then, using the built-in sparker, you ignite the powdered magnesium. This tool provides thousands of lights. No moving parts, nothing to re-fill or wear. This is easy to carry on your keychain, and have one in your purse, glove compartment, and pack -- as a backup to your Bic. Don't leave home without one! $8 each or 2 for $15 BOW AND DRILL. We assemble a primitive kit so you can practice fire-making the Old Way. You receive bow, drill, hearth, socket, and instructions. Everyone should learn how to go into the woods and make a fire using this method. Though we send you instructions, the full details for this method can be found in Larry Dean Olsen's "Outdoor Survival Skills" book, or Christopher's "How to Survive Anywhere." In the meantime, you can practice with our kit until you achieve mastery. $30 This is the simplest, though difficult, method of primitive fire-starting which was more widely used world-wide than any other method. We send you a mulefat hand drill, a baseplate of willow or ash, and instructions. It's best if you practice this with a partner. Once you master this method, everything else is downhill. $17 STEEL STRIKER -- Gary demonstrates the striker with flint and charcloth. This is a heavy-duty steel striker for making fire by the “flint-and-steel” method. They’re made by a blacksmith and designed to wrap around your knuckles and hopefully prevent nicks and cuts. Strike flint, quartz, or other sparkable rocks, and let the sparks shower into char cloth or steel wool. Detailed directions for use can be found in Christopher’s "How to Survive Anywhere" book. If you need assistance, let us know and we’ll include an instruction sheet with the striker. $15. FLINT & STEEL KIT Our standard kit includes a “U”-shaped steel, a piece of flint, cotton tinder, and instructions all packed into a tin. Everything you need to get started is here. $15 Sun Oven -- Ed Begley out in the yard using his trusty Sun Oven. SUN OVEN
We've used our Sun Oven for nearly 20 years and it's still going strong. This is a great way to cook with the sun, and this is the best commercial solar oven we've seen. If there's an emergency and you don't have gas, you can cook during the day with this oven. If you can't make a fire, you can cook with this oven. And it's portable, with a handle. We've taken it on car-camping trips. Though some lower-quality solar ovens take a long time to work, this one has gotten up to 350 degrees f. on a summer day! This means that it takes no longer to cook in this oven as it does to cook with a conventional gas stove. This is a "must-have" addition to your home preparedness gear, and it's something you can use every day to demonstrate the power of the sun. Remember: A solution to our problems rises every morning.
Suggested retail is $349, we sell it for $269. Shipping to your home is $32.85 if you live in the contiguous United States.
$269 + $32.85 Shipping. ___________________________________________________________ WILD-CRAFTING FLORIAN RATCHET CLIPPERS These are the original ratchet clippers that make it easy to cut wood and branches. They are great in the garden, and in the field. If you have been on Christopher's outings, he is using these all the time to make clean cuts to cut plants for food, or mulefat for hand drills and arrow shafts, or willow for bow drills, etc. etc. etc. If you want a quality pair of clippers for long-term hard use, these are the ones you want. Yes, you can buy cheaper knock-offs, but they won't last like these. traditional yellow. $34 MUGWORT "You can never have enough mugwort!" Dried mugwort is one of the best materials for getting your primitive fire going. You make a birdnest-shape from the dried leaves, add your ember and blow on it until you get a flame. Native Americans used mugwort cigars in the old days to carry thier ember from camp to camp. It is also used in Chinese acupuncture, called "moxa." You'll get a sandwich bag pouch of the dried leaves. $7 Epazote (Chenopodium ambrosiodes) has been used in Mexico and Central America for centuries. It has been used for many herbal remedies, as well as a seasoning for bean dishes and other foods. It is most commonly known as an anti-flatulent [nature's Bean-O] when added to beans. Use in your cooked foods, or even add to dog food to prevent gas and indigestion. If you ever had to spend time in a bomb shelter, you'd really want to have some epazote with you. $3.50 "GROW YOUR OWN WILD FOOD PATCH" Starter Kit Turn any unproductive part of your yard into a bountiful and delicious wild food patch! Get a package of wild seeds that are easily grown and will produce you with nutritious plants for nutritious meals.
Note: It is not advisable to plant these wild seeds in your yard if you live near a native plant habitat, because it is very easy for the wild plants to spread and cause habitat disruption.
Lamb's Quarter Seed
Lamb's quarter seed (the leaves are eaten raw or cooked, and the seeds can be added to bread batter or soups)
$3.00 (the leaves are added to cooked dishes, or used like French sorrel in salads)
$3.00 ("cheeseweed") (the leaves are used in raw or cooked dishes, and the "cheeses" can be eaten)
$3.00 Our Wild Food Patch Starter Kit comes with all three seeds, plus one more seed (depending on what we have available), and instructions.
$7.50     This is a tobacco-free blend of wild herbs. We use manzanita leaf, mullein, mugwort, sage, passionflower leaf, yerba santa, willow bark, and others. $12 a bag _____________________________________________________________ WATER-PURIFICATION TIMBERLINE WATER FILTER. This is a low-cost water filter that is easy to use, and easy to carry. It will purify water from giardia, and othe biological contaminants. The filter element can be replaced so you don't need to purchase an entirely new unit. $30 IODINE CRYSTALS FOR WATER PURIFICATION. You receive 1/4 tsp. iodine crystals in a glass bottle, with instructions for purifying water. This is the best chemical method of water purification. (Obviously, boiling is best when you can make a fire). $17 |